Again and Again by Rainer Marie Rilke

One of my favorites... translated by Christian Stone. I struggled a lot with the verb "lagern" because I find it particularly beautiful that they would camp out and look at the stars. In english saying "lie amongst the flowers" is a common translation and is super romantic. But it misses the point that there is a home here, and the flowers are full of life.

"Immer Wieder" (Again and Again) - Rainer Marie Rilke

Immer wieder, ob wir der Liebe Landschaft auch kennen
und den kleinen Kirchhof mit seinen klagenden Namen
und die furchtbar verschweigende Schlucht,
in welcher die anderen enden:
immer wieder gehn wir zu zweien hinaus
unter die alten Bäume, lagern uns immer wieder
zwischen die Blumen, gegenüber dem Himmel.

Again and again, however well we know the landscape of love;
and the little churchyard with its sorrowing names;
and the frighteningly silent abyss
into which others end:
again and again we walk out together
under the ancient trees, and again and again camp
amongst the blooms, face to face with the sky.


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